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Feed additives

Diethyl 1

2021-09-01 16:35:05   Click:

Name: Diethyl 1, 4-DiHYDRO-2,6-dimethyl-3, 5-Pyridinedicarbo
CAS no. : 1149-23-1
Chemical formula: C13H19NO4
Molecular weight: 253.29
Dihydropyridine is the first veterinary drug additive approved by the Ministry of Agriculture to promote growth in China. It is now listed in the Ministry of Agriculture's veterinary Drug Quality Standard in 2003. Dihydropyridine (DIhydropyridine) is a new multi-functional additive with some effects of natural antioxidant VE, which can inhibit the peroxidation process of lipid compounds and form a protective layer of liver. It can protect the oil and vitamin VA and carotene from being oxidized in feed. At the same time, it can also change some hormone levels in serum, promote the growth and development of livestock and poultry, improve reproductive performance and lactation capacity of female livestock, and enhance immune function, and its metabolism is complete, almost no residue. In addition, dihydropyridine can significantly enhance the myoelectric activity of the small intestine, slow down the intestinal digesta backward movement, which is conducive to intestinal digestion and absorption, thus improving feed utilization.
Function and use: Dihydropyridine is a new multi-functional additive with some functions of natural antioxidant VE, which can inhibit the peroxidation process of lipid compounds and form a protective layer of liver. It can protect the oil and vitamin VA and carotene from being oxidized in feed. At the same time, it can also change some hormone levels in serum, promote the growth and development of livestock and poultry, improve reproductive performance and lactation capacity of female livestock, and enhance immune function, and its metabolism is complete, almost no residue. In addition, dihydropyridine can significantly enhance the myoelectric activity of the small intestine, slow down the intestinal digesta backward movement, which is conducive to intestinal digestion and absorption, thus improving feed utilization.

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